Thursday, January 24, 2013

Emails Emails Emails

Its official. I've been receiving at least five emails everyday for over a week! Its crazy how much you use email as an exchange student; and honestly...I use it FAR more than facebook! It makes me feel a little old. (Which isn't a bad thing.) I find myself telling people to email me all the time now!

So; whats the reason for these emails? I decided after the first outbound orientation that I should do some "homework" on the countries that my Rotary District exchanges with from the top 5 that I originally picked. I emailed some of the Country Officers to get emails from exchange students and ever since ive been emailing exchange students every single day with students who are currently on exchange from my district.

Its honestly so much fun talking with people who were in your same situation! Exchange students can talk about things that no one else would understand. Even after you JUST met or talked with them. Something just clicks; and its a really cool feeling! (Even though im not officially an exchange student yet.) Its really cool being able to talk with people who are on exchange in the countries that I am interested in and seeing what its like from someone who is actually IN that situation.

I'm not sure if other out-bounds have done the same thing I did and went out of their way to email other exchange students. I guess I just wanted to talk with other people who are currently on exchange in the countries that I want to go to or countries that I thought would be cool to go to. Personally for me: I feel like just looking at pictures of the country or their music isn't enough to make me want to go there. For me; I need to really get an inside view and maybe even hear the language to decide on where I want to go. 

Currently, Germany and Finland are STILL on my mind. However, now Im just totally confused on where I want to go. I have been receiving emails from a few Country Officers who are interested in talking with me about their Countries and have even told me a few countries that I would be successful exchanging with. Except; now my ideas are all jumbled up and im literally at a loss for where I want to go.

This must be the confusion I was bound to get into after emailing so many different exchange students who all LOVE the countries that they are in. Therefore; I pretty much asked for confusing myself on where I want to go somewhere down the road.

This post turned out more as a confused rant than what I originally planned for it to be. And hopefully I worded it in a way that someone other than me can understand! Im just hopeful that before the ski trip I can try and honestly decide on a number one country that I want to go to...because right now I have no idea.

So for now I guess ill just plan on being confused about it until something pops into my head and changes my mind...

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