Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ski Trip! (Part 1)

I know im really horrible at updating this blog...its something I need to work on before I leave on my exchange!

 Anyways; a week ago I found out where I am going on my exchange. Which I will be posting about in the next post on my blog! (I need more than one post in order to capture all of the awesomeness that went on in the past week!) But; for now im starting with the beginning, which I thought was a good place to start.

 On Thursday all of the out-bound and inbound exchange students were to report to our assigned bus stops for the Eastern Oregon Discovery other words a ski trip. I got to my bus stop at 6:45 that Thursday morning; not at all expecting what was going to come out of this weekend. I knew all of us outbounds were going to find out where we were going...I just didnt know at all where I wanted to go. Which I thought was a problem.
As the day progressed the country officers had the inbounds sitting in the window seat; and the outbounds sitting in the outside seat of the bus so that we could talk one-on-one with the inbounds to figure out where we really wanted to go on our exchanges. I started talking with a Danish exchange student; and then moved my way to Mexico; and then Germany. I was seriously considering Germany ever since the first Outbound Oreintation...but after sitting there I didnt know where I wanted to really go.
We stopped and ate lunch with the little Rotary Club of Hermiston; and they had us stand up with a microphone and state our names, Sponsoring Rotary Club and which country we wanted to go to. When the microphone came to me I didnt know what to say...but I finished with, "And my number once choice is Czech Republic." Looking back; I didnt realize who was sitting at that table until now. There was another boy who I was sitting next to who wanted to go to the Czech Republic (Sean) and a boy who wanted Japan (Ben) and the girl from my Rotary Club as well who wanted India (Meghan)
We started the bus up again and after awhile we stopped and went Roller Skating. It was SO crazy fun! I had NO idea how to skate; and at one point I literally had to crawl on the floor in order to stop myself from going backwards. One of the country officers couldnt help but laugh every time she passed me because I kept going backwards instead of forwards! I honestly loved going roller skating; its just so different being with exchange students. I noticed that every time someone fell; someone would go back and help them up; or if someone couldnt skate they would grab their hand and take them along with them. Its hard for me to explain how awesome it is to be around people like that. And I can say for myself that every Rotary Exchange Student is like that. Theres just something about them.
Playing on the horse at the arcade.
Breaking out into a snowball fight! :D

 After roller skating they had us switch buses. (There were two buses. One for Asia and one for Europe.) I was on the European bus; so I switched to the Asia bus. I sat with the boy who I ate lunch with at the Rotary club; along with another girl (MaKyla) and all three of us talked with the country officer for Russia and Finland for the rest of the trip up to the camp we were staying at.

We eventually got to our destination; and to end the night they split us off into groups. And in our groups we got to once again talk with the inbounds (who were in groups based on country officers and countries.) I realized after that where I TRUELY wanted to go. And its funny because all three of us who rode on the bus to talk with the country officer for Finland and Russia was thinking the same exact thing.

Together we went off to the back room where the inbounds from Finland and Russia along with their country officer were. We sat there and talked until we were forced to go around and talk with other inbounds and country officers.

When I went to bed that night; I knew exactly where I wanted to go.


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