Sunday, October 27, 2013

Progress Makes Perfect (Part 1)

So, I haven't updated in awhile; and I guess now might be a good time to do so. (Sorry its going to be in Finnish, but the next part of this post will be in English.)

Mutta ensin kirjoitan suomeksi:

Tämä viime viikolla oli syysloma. Mä menin lapissa kanssa mun host-perhe ja sitten myös me menimme Ruotsiin viikonloppuna. Se oli hauska, mutta satoi paljon lunta. Mutta mä vain puhui suomeksi, ja se oli hyvä! Mutta mun suomea on ei hyvä...mutta mä yritän paljon puhua. Joskus mä puhun paljon, mutta paljon ihmiset puhuvat minulle Englaneksi mutta mä en pidä sen koska mä haluan puhua suomeksi...mutta he ei puhu minua Suomeksi. Mielestäni ehkä he ajattelevat mä en ymmärrän, mutta mä ymmärrän paljon. Mä vain en puhu hyvin. Ehkä pian ihmiset puhuvat minulle suomea...Mä tiedan mun suomea on ei hyvä mutta mä haluan puhua, vaikka sen on ei hyvä. Mä vain haluan puhua suomea haha! :(

Tämä viime viikolla oli hyvä. Satoi paljon lunta, ja me kävelimme lumessa paljon. Se ei ollut kylmä koska olin pukeutunut paljon takit haha. Mutta se oli hyvä! Tapasimme paljon ihmisiä, ja me puhuimme paljon Suomeksi. He nauraoivat vähän minun suomea, koska minun suomea on ei hyvä, mutta mä yritin. Ruotsissa, me menimme kaupungin ja sitten menimme kirppis. En osta mitään, mutta se oli okei koska en yleensä pidä ostaa asioita. Sitten tänään meillä olipitkä ajomatka kotiin ruotsista.

Olin Ruotsissa! :D
Siellä oli paljon lunta Lapissa
Minun host-koira lumessa

Huomenna annan esityksen maantiedessa suomeksi! (Ehkä te ymmärrätte minua koska minun suomea on ei hyvä.) Mulla on myös historia ja sitten englantia. (Mutta englantia on helppo haha.) En tiedä jos minun esityks olla hyvä koska mä en voi puhun hyvin ja sanat ovat vaikea sanoa koska se on Aurinkoenergia ja geoterminen energia. Mutta minun täytyy antaa se suomeksi koska jos mä haluan puhua suomea, minun täytyy puhua ihmisten kanssa niin he näkevät voin puhua ja ymmärtää. Ehkä ei hyvin, mutta mä yritän paljon.

Ensi Viikolla mulla on minun suomen kieli koe. Se on helppoa koska mä tiedan ja ymmärrän paljon. Mä tiedan mä puhun ja ymmärrän enemmän kuin muut ihmiset minun luokassa, mutta joka on koska mä aina puhun suomea kanssa minun host-perhe joka päivää ja minun koulu on suomeksi myös. Niin mä kuulla suomea joka päivää koko ajan. Se on hyvä koska minun täytyy oppia suomea...mutta joskus se on vaikea koska paljon ihmiset puhuvat minua englaneksi koska minun suomea on ei hyvä. (Mä voin kirjoitan suomeksi paremmin kuin mä voi puhua.). :D

GEEZ...writing in Finnish takes a heck of a lot more time than I thought it would! My Finnish REALLY isn't that good, so to any Finns who read my blog, im really sorry if you cant understand me! I know that I don't use the right endings, and that its probably hard to read...but im trying as best as I can!

(And to anyone from home, im sorry if google translate is bad, because like I said, my Finnish isn't all that great either, and so the translation may be really bad as well!)

But hey, my first successful blog post all in Finnish! (Minus the little English conclusion to the post.) ;)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Awkward Phases

Everyone knows what an awkward phase is. Its basically that time period between when youre 12 or 14, and you do all of these weird things to try to figure out, "who you are" and "what youre about."

Im not really sure how else to describe it...

I realize that I always talk about the good parts of Exchange, and all of the wonderful things about it; and ALL of it is true, down to every single word! But I also realize that I need to also talk about the difficulties of Exchange, if I really want you to understand what Exchange is like, and what MY Exchange is like in Finland. 

Exchange is NOT easy.


Exchange is NOT a vacation. 

 My grades from Finland are not transfering over to my school in the USA, I am only getting credits. When I tell people that, they generally react by telling me that im so lucky because, "I dont have to do anything in school", and that im "Lucky I get a year off from school." 

Ill give you a little back story, and tell you how I am able to get my School Credits:

For me to get enough School credits go to on this Exchange, I actually had to take 3 Math classes on top of ALL of my other school subjects, and I could not take any electives for the whole year. (Electives are classes like Music, Art, Photography, PE...basically any of the "fun" classes.) I had 10 hours of tutoring a week during the last few months of school, where I studied for a Nationwide Standardized Test ( And I had to take this test a YEAR before I was supposed to, because I would be on Exchange when my grade would take the test.) AND on top of that, I woke up at 5am EVERY day.

I literally had NO social life for the ENTIRE last semester of the school year.

Now, dont get me wrong, I am NOT complaning. I am just trying to explain that I had to be TOTALLY dedicated to becoming an Exchange Student and earning those credits I would be missing during my year abroad. 

Most people tend to think that Exchange Students just do no school work while they are on exchange...But to tell you the truth, I worked REALLY, REALLY hard to become an Exchange Student, and I am working REALLY, REALLY hard AS an Exchange Student. 

Its hard to sit through school all day, and not understand a SINGLE word anybody is saying. Its hard to sit through class, and take notes, not understanding a SINGLE sentence on your paper. Its hard to sit there during group activities, and not be able to contribute at all in the activity. Its hard to give a group presentation, and just awkwardly stand in front of the entire class while your group is doing all of the work and giving the presentation without you...and you cant do anything about it, no matter HOW badly you want to participate. 

Normally in school, I would be the first to start taking notes. I would do all of my work in class, and turn it in early. I would answer the questions the teacher asked, and I would already have my homework done before the class was even over...I just simplily ENJOYED school. I found joy in learning about new things, and I liked to learn everything I could about certain subjects.

HERE, in school I cant do anything. I cant participate. I cant speak. I cant listen. I cant understand. 

And it is SO frusterating, and it makes me feel stupid!

It makes me feel so LIMITED. This is the best word that describes it. 

Ive NEVER felt so LIMITED in my LIFE!

 Its like im a little kid all over again. I cant speak, I cant understand, and I dont really know whats going on most of the time. 

Do you know how embarassing it is to be 17 years old, and not be able to understand simple directions, or conversation?!

Exchange is hard because it isnt like after having a bad day at school, you can just go home and forget about it. You have the same issues of not understanding and not being able to speak ALL the time, EVERY day, ANYWHERE you go! I can NEVER get a break from it! EVEN IN MY SLEEP!!! ...I even DREAM in Finnish!!! 

Do you know what its like to understand NOTHING ALL THE TIME!? ...EVEN IN YOUR SLEEP!?

Dont get me wrong, I LOVE my Exchange, and I LOVE everything about Finland. Nothing is going wrong, and I know that I have absolutly NOTHING to complain about...But Exchange is just hard. 

One of the hardest parts for me right now is actually finding things to talk about with people back home. (And I am honestly sorry if this comes out wrong, but I think I really need to write this because you need to understand.) Its hard because they dont understand what youre going through. They cant relate to your experience of never undersanding anything around you, or always hearing and speaking another language. You cant relate to it unless you have experienced it, and I experience it every single day. Its not that I dont want to message anyone from home, or that I purposfully forget to email anyone...It just feels a bit awkward for me, because I dont know what we can talk about. Its been so long since the last time we talked, that catching up just feels...awkward.  I dont know how else to explain it, and I REALLY hope that came out right.

(Ill explain this a little better...My Rotary District back home has a "90 Day" rule, where we are not allowed to instant message or skype anyone from home for the first 3 months of our Exchanges. I actually abided by this rule, and now I just find it a little difficult, and even awkward to message people from home that I used to message a lot...having a conversation catching up on EVERYTHING from the past 3 months is a little awkward...especially when you arent even the same person anymore.) :P

Now heres where I tie all this in with the, "Awkward Phase" haha. Being an Exchange Student is great. I love every single minute of it, and I love the decision I made to become a Rotary Exchange Student. I just feel like right now is the "Awkward Phase" of my Exchange. I feel like its just a transition phase from still figuring out how things work, and sepperating myself from home more. Its the phase in your Exchange when youre still having struggles understanding anything, and struggles with the language and getting to know how things work. I thought this was a post that I needed to make, because it seems to be a phase that most exchagne students go least the current exchange students that I know. :) 

 “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” – Robert H Schuller

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Awkward and Embarrassing Moments (part 1)

I knew that becoming an exchange student would be hard...but NO one ever told be about all of the awkward and embarrassing moments I would have EVERY single day.

Life as the Foreign Exchange Student is REALLY awkward. I may not enjoy all of the awkward moments very much while they are happening to me...but when I think about it, I cant help but wonder how hilarious these moments look to everyone else around me; and I always laugh when I look back at everything that happens to me day by day.

For those of you that have known me before my exchange, you all know that I am REALLY good at laughing at myself; and I don't get upset very easily...Which is honestly the perfect mindset to have as an exchange student. Sometimes it IS hard to laugh at yourself in these situations...but in the end you just have to do it, because they happen, and that's just life. :)

 I decided to make another little list and talk about just a FEW of all of the awkward moments I have every single day. There isn't really any order...but all of these happen to me pretty frequently:

1.) Walking into the WRONG classroom.

I CANT tell you HOW many times this happens, even though I know my way around the school pretty well. I often find myself randomly walking into a classroom, and just standing in the doorway as everyone in the class is looking at me. I think to myself, "Who ARE these people?!" And then I realize that I am in the wrong room, so I slowly back away out of the classroom, and shut the door and leave...

This one generally isn't TOO awkward, more as it is just plain embarrassing.

2.) Getting on the WRONG bus.

Luckily for me, this one doesn't happen too often anymore...But I never realize I am on the wrong bus until towards the end of the bus route when I have NO idea where I am. Its pretty obvious as well, because im randomly looking everywhere with a super confused facial expression while everyone around is just staring at me, trying to figure out whats wrong with this girl who has been on the bus for almost the ENTIRE route, and is now randomly looking all over place trying to figure out whats going on.

Its nice to know im not alone with this one when I see another exchange student chasing down a bus, only to realize that when the bus stops, and after they walk up to it that its the wrong bus; so they awkwardly try to play it cool like nothing ever happened, as they walk away from the bus, and the bus starts driving off again...Sadly, this is actually halarious (when it DOESNT happen to you.).

Of course I have been guilty of this as well, and it is VERY embarrassing because not only EVERYONE on the bus can see you...but EVERYONE else in the general area can see you! You cant pretend it just didnt happen, because its pretty obvious to everyone that you just ran after a bus waving your hands around, and you DIDNT get on it after it stopped...

3.) Not understanding what someone said even after they already repeated themselves several times...

I have given myself a limit of getting 3 chances to understand what someone has said to me. I feel as though saying, "What?" ANY more than 3 times is just WAY too many. But unfortunately, sometimes even after 3 times, I STILL don't understand what people are saying!

So...what do I do?!

I honestly pretend to know what they said, and just reply with something and hope that my answer is passable.

However, sometimes it gets even MORE awkward if my answer DOESNT make sense, because its VERY obvious that what I said didn't make ANY sense based on someone's facial expression.

But the MOST awkward thing that can happen in this situation is when my answer doesn't make sense, and they don't say ANYTHING  about the nonsence that I just said...They just nod and smile, and look SUPER confused.

This makes me want to just hide under a blanket every time, because I know that they are trying to be polite and nice to me for trying, because my Finnish is SO terrible...But I cant help but wonder if the conversation sounds anything like this:

"What did you do today?"
"Yes...I like that."

or even:

"Hey, what did you do last weekend?"
"No, I haven't eaten that before..."

Of course when I speak, I sound MUCH more like a caveman...but in some ways im glad that I cant hear what I sound like when the conversation goes completely wrong. :P



4.) When I don't realize when someone asks me a question.

Finnish is a very monotone language, and your tone of voice doesn't go up when someone asks you a question like it does in English; and if anything the tone of voice actually goes down when asking a question.

It was VERY hard for me to understand at first when someone was asking me a question, because it sounds just like any other sentence. Sometimes when people talk fast, I don't catch that they asked me a question...

This can be an awkward situation, because while they are waiting for an answer; im standing there trying to figure out why they all of a sudden they stopped talking and why they are just looking at me!

In some ways, I guess its actually even MORE awkward when I cant tell wether or not someone asked me a question, so I honestly just reply with, "Oh yeah...hehe." and hope with ALL of my might and strength that it wasn't a question!

This can also go either way, because if it WASNT a question, then you are VERY, VERY lucky...but if it WAS a question, generally people always say to me, "Uhmm...did you understand?"

That's when the conversation goes south and it gets very awkward...

5.) When people don't understand a word I say to them.

My Finnish REALLY isn't very good, but I try my best. I try to speak Finnish most of the time when people talk to me; but sometimes it doesn't exactly go as planned...

There are always situations at LEAST once a day when NO ONE understands what I say, but everyone is either too afraid to correct me or no one tells me that they didn't understand anything. Everyone I was talking to just all looks at me with blank faces and replies with, "Yeah haha..." or they just awkwardly laugh and nod.

This situation is SUPER embarrassing and it happens literally at least ONCE a day!

I KNOW when they are pretending to understand what I said, because thats what I do at least 80% of the time...its pretty embarassing when no one can understand what you say, but they dont tell you, so instead they just pretend to understand in order to be nice to for your horrible langauge skills!

6.) When I dont understand a joke, and I am the only one not laughing.

This situation is ALSO super awkward, and it happens A LOT.

Someone tells a joke, and everyone I am sitting by all of a sudden starts cracking up laughing, and I am just sitting there with a straight face because I had NO idea what was going on, and I didnt even know someone said something funny.

I always feel like an emotionless robot in this situation; and while everyone else is laughing, I just sit there like this, ".......".

It probably makes the situation awkward for everyone else around me as well, because then they look over at me, and realize that I probably didn't understand ANY of it and it kind of kills the whole joke, and just makes It awkward for everyone. :(

7.) When someone repeates directions to me English, and I still don't understand.

This one HAS to be one of the MOST embarrassing of all!

When I speak in Finnish or listen to other people speaking in Finnish for a long period of time, I cant just automatically switch back into English. I cant really explain it...

I guess its like my brain is in a different mode, and it just doesn't work like a light switch where you can just switch between English and Finnish. So a lot of the time I actually cant understand what someone is saying if they just start speaking English after I have been speaking or hearing nothing but Finnish for a long or continuous period of time.

This makes for some awkward moments...

Here's a story that happened last week as an Example:

It was the first day of my music class, and the teacher counted us off into groups. I had been speaking Finnish all morning prior to my music class, and I didn't hear where my group was. After everyone got into their groups, I went up and asked the teacher where my group was. I turn around, and not only is everyone looking at me, but I have to walk to the BACK of the room where my group was, and on the way to my group, I trip over a chair!

(That was the back story...Now comes the embarrassing part.)

One of the members in my group tried to explain to me in English what we were supposed to do, and I couldn't understand what he was saying so I kept on saying, "What?" and he repeated himself, and then handed me our group's laptop.

EVERYONE just stared at me, as I kind of looked at the laptop, and then again at everyone else in my group. I sat there waiting for my group to tell me what to do, but we all just sat in awkward silence... Eventually, the boy who explained the assignment to me in English, just slowly took the laptop away from me, and my group just did the whole assignement without me...

Needless to say, I was SUPER embarrassed.

8.) When you cant tell if someone is talking to you, because you dont understand what they are saying.

Every once in awhile, I hear someone on the street, or in the hallway talking SUPER loud in my general direction; and I literally cant tell what is going on, or who the person is talking to...

I generally stop walking, and look super confused and a little creeped out; until I finally realize that they indeed were NOT talking to me...

Sometimes its a bit scary depending on the situation, and I look pretty stupid, because im walking and im just doing my own thing, and then all of a sudden, out of the blue, I just stop and I look SUPER confused for awhile, and then I start walking again.

I dont even want to know what I look like from someone else´s point of view in this situation...

9.) When you finally understand the teacher....but she is talking about YOU. 


I get REALLY excited when I can understand what the teacher is saying! ...But unfortunatly, sometimes what I understand isnt what I had in mind!

One situation I have been in several times, is when the teacher asks the class if anyone wants to sit next to me, but EVERYONE just stays where they are and looks at me...

This one is REALLY, REALLY embarassing because usually the teacher also says to the class, "She doesnt speak any Finnish" or, "Does anyone speak English?" or, "Who wants to sit by the Exchange Student?"

I CAN understand what the teacher just said...and its SUPER embarassing!

I really dont know what to do in this situation while everyone in the class is just looking at me...and a lot of the time I honestly find myself just pretending not to understand what the teacher says when she asks this, because its just TOO embarrassing...

10.) When you mishear what someone said, and you end up looking like an idiot.

This situation happens at least ONCE everyday, and to best explain it, ill give you a two examples:

Example 1:

My host dad was asking me if what we were eating was the same ("Sama". But if you add the ending, "ko" to the end of the word, it makes it a question.) as it was back home in the USA, and I thought he said the Finnish word for "Frog" (Sammakko).

So I thought I heard the words, "Food" "Eat" and "FROG!"

You can tell where this conversation went...And I have to say that my host family STILL laughs about this! :(

Example 2:

I was with my host family in Lapland, sitting in a house, and my host dad tried asking me a question. I didn't hear him, so I said, "What?" and he repeated it for me, but I still couldn't understand. I said, "What?" AGAIN, and he repeated it for me for a third time, but I STILL didn't understand.

EVERYONE in the room was looking at me, and I didn't know what to do...

My first thought for some reason was to point at the ceiling...DONT ask me why; for some reason it was my best comeback for not understanding what he was asking me!

Not a moment later, the WHOLE room starts laughing at me!!!!

How embarrassing....

I cant even tell you WHY I did that...EVERYONE was just looking at me, waiting for a reply, and I didn't know what to do!!!

Gahhhh...I guess we all have our moments. :(

11.) Not knowing if doors are "PUSH" or "PULL"


Let me just say, that this happens EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!!!!!

 I can NEVER tell if I am supposed to PUSH the door or PULL it to open it...its HORRIBLE! 

Its horrible because all of the doors at my school are this way, and its pretty embarassing when people look at me weird because I cant figure out how to open the stupid door! To tell you the truth...I actually can NEVER open the restroom door at the library, because I CANT remember wether the door is a PUSH or PULL...and so I stand there for a few seconds until I finally realize which one it is...

I guess we all have our embarassing moments...

It makes me feel a lot better about myself when I see the other exchange students at my school have the same daily struggle of not knowing if the door is PUSH or PULL; but its pretty embarassing because everyone stares at you.

12.) When people dont realize you´re the foreign exchange student. 



Lets just say, this would be a GREAT compliment if I could speak Finnish...

 But unfortunatly, its SUPER embarassing because when people dont realize that im the Foreign Exchange Student, they often times confuse my lack of language skills with complete stupidity. 

AND...This actually happened today!!! 

I was in my class, and we had to get into groups. There were only 3 other people in my class, and the teacher told us to go sit in a group. I wasnt sure how the groups were working, so I just kind of sat and watied...

The other kids in the class were already in a group on the otherside of the room awkardly waiting, and the teacher told me again in Finnish to go over and sit with the group; and so I did. 

When I got there, they went right into doing the assignement, and I just kind of sat there awkwardly not understanding ANYTHING that was going on. 

I didnt know that the assignment was, and I had NO idea what they were saying...I didnt know what to do, so I just kind of sat there facing everyone and tried my best to listen. 

Sometimes they would pause, stop talking, and then kind of look at me...and then they would start talking again about the assignement.

Eventually I guess they finished the assingment or something, because they started talking to the teahcer. I didnt understand much of what they said, but I understood this part of the conversation:

"Uhmmm...shes the Foreign Exchange Student." 

AND then everyone in the group reacted like this: 


 I actually wanted to die of embarassment RIGHT then and there because it was SO embarassing! 

I cant help but wonder what people think when they dont know that im the Exchange Student, and im just sitting there with a blank facial expression and not knowing whats going on...

I dont think I want to know...

Although NONE of these moments are very enjoyable while they are happening, I know that they are all a part of being an exchange student. (At least for me...) They make great memories, and funny stories- and I wouldnt take back ANY of these moments for the world! (Which may be hard to believe, because some of these situations are VERY, VERY embarassing!!!!) 

Hopefully other exchange students dont have as many embarassing moments as I do everyday, but I have to say that they are the best memory makers I have right now on my exchange. :) 

"Everyone is like a butterfly, they start out ugly and awkward and then they morph into beautiful graceful butterflies that everyone loves."