Since the last time I posted, a lot has happen. That's the obvious. I stopped posting for a few (stupid but at the time logical) reasons. The biggest reason is because my computer is slow. It takes about 20 minutes just to TURN ON. (let alone get the internet going.) And im not a patient person for that. The second reason is because once I started making more friends, I really didn't have time. I decided to start going out more often and then in the end, I just eventually forgot about my blog...
But either way, here I am! And Im finally here to sort of walk you through what the heck has been going on throughout these past few months! (Hold on to your seats, ladies and gents; because there's a lot!) But since I think there will be so much, I think ill just make this post totally all about school. ;)
School is actually almost officially over for me! Last Monday was my last full day of school. It was actually quite depressing! I wasn't ready for it to be over! I had friends in all of my classes, and I really liked my schedule...I was completely comfortable with everything. At this point everything just felt completely normal and like I was just always there.
I knew all of the inside jokes of the school, and I knew my shortcuts through the school and I always had people to hang out with during free time. A few of my teachers and I only communicated in Finnish, and in one class I was actually DOING all of the work in Finnish. (Don't get me wrong, it wasn't nice quality work...but it was still done in Finnish.) :)
In my English class I could actually do every exercise in the class, including translating from Finnish to English and English to Finnish. I could read the passages in Finnish and summarize them into English, and I was perfectly capable and comfortable doing it.
In my Music class I was actually singing! (In front of REAL people!) And not only that, but singing DUETS! It was so outrageously unlike me, my parents could hardly believe it! Although it felt really, really uncomfortable for me, I just closed my eyes and did it. It didn't matter what I sounded like; as long as I was pushing myself out of my comfort zone, I was eventually happy with everything. :)
I guess in the end you could just say that everything completely and totally clicked at school. Which is actually quite opposite of what it was originally! I remember on the first day of school, I never wanted to go back. I hated it. Not because of the school itself or my attitude toward the school. It was just SO completely foreign to me. I was literally scared of the school! It was so old and intimidating to me, and I didn't understand a WORD anyone said!
Fast forward to that week of school, I was doing my classwork in Finnish and reading Finnish texts and summarizing them into English! It was just all such a NIGHT and DAY difference! This week at school it is Exam Week. I haven't had any exams other than my English exam. It was a partner exam, so for my partner´s sake, I went to the Exam. And to my PARTNER did better than I did! (I was so proud!) :D
It was an oral exam, and I bombed it pretty bad...for part of the exam we had to read an English text outloud to the teacher, and I kept mispronouncing the words! I read whale as, "whole" and deck as, "desk". Let alone, I also skipped a couple words because I forgot how they were pronounced! It was SO bad my teacher was smiling at me, and my partner couldn't help but LAUGH at me haha! But I guess that's what I get for speaking Finnish half the time! ;)
This Friday is my last day in the school. It is the exam hand back, and unfortunately since I only did one exam, I am only in the school to say goodbye to people and to grab my transcript. Im sort of dreading going to say goodbye to everyone, because im not quite sure how to react or what I will feel. I mean, its embarrassing to cry in front of people who I barely know, and yet have had such an impact on me this year! Its SO crazy that people you barely know could have such a huge impact in your life; and there's actually a pretty big number of people at school who have had a big impact on me this year just by doing little things. (Even if it sounds cheesy.) :)
Saturday is graduation. One of my friends invited me to go with her to watch her friends graduate. Unfortunately, I don't think I know anyone who is graduating, but I still really want to go! (And plus, I've never been inside the yellow church before.) :)
I guess this post turned out a lot longer and complex than I originally planned! But hopefully it was a pretty good update for now, at least! I tried cramming the past few months at school into a lengthy blog post! (Dont worry, Ill try to think of more creative ways to cram the past few months into another blog post.) :)